
November 6, 2020

Center Competes in National Fundraising Challenge


The Center was selected to participate in the 2020 USA Today’s Community Thrives Challenge which awards funding up to $100,000 to nonprofit initiatives focused on building stronger communities across the country. Healthy Fathers = Healthy Families, the Center’s proposal to expand current Men’s Health programming to more fathers in the SC was submitted and accepted to be part of this year’s fundraising competition. In the first phase, the Center had to raise $6000 in support of the project in order to move on to the next phase of funding.

For the online fundraising challenge on, the Center developed an intense social media and email marketing campaign to drive donations to meet the goal. After reaching this initial goal, the Center revised the goal to $12,000 for the remaining 10 days of the challenge. Total contributions received were $14,555. A total of 54 total donors contributed and 25 were new donors.

The Community Thrives organization will be reviewing the merits of each proposed project and grant awards are expected to be announced before the end of the year.